Review: Hard as it Gets

I did enjoy this book a lot. There were a few minor things that kept me from giving it higher but I definitely want to continue this series. I enjoyed the characters a lot though Nick did have that whole 'I'm not good enough for you' going on for a while but it didn't really bug me because it seemed to fit with his character more.
Nick Rixey:
*heart* I loved this guy. He at first had this grumpy asshole attitude when he first met Becca but I don't really blame him since Becca's father totally fucked up his life. Anyways, he turns into this sweet caring guy who is just awesome and supportive throughout the whole book. His injury that he suffered and will suffer for the rest of his life because of Becca's father was a little heartbreaking. It was sad, how he couldn't lay on his back or stomach or just how sitting down caused him so much pain. I liked how realistic it was though.
Becca Merritt:
I really liked her. She was not TSTL and was actually pretty logical about everything. I'm glad her characterization fit her. Her job was a nurse at an ER so her being able to reason things out and stay calm in most situations fit her. I do think that maybe she took the news about her father rather well. She was only pissed about it for a little while(mostly because Nick kept it from her) and she really didn't go into denial which is odd since she said she loved her father and looked up to him.
Tripod? Shiloh?:
The little three legged german shepherd puppy Becca found. She was adorable and it was funny how every one was throwing names out. I liked the name she ended up with because it was both girly(like Becca wanted) but also made fun of the whole three legged thing. I'm totally a sucker for puppies though. =)
Okay, now for the few things that I didn't like.
1- The back and forth of calling Nick, Rixey. Like the author couldn't make up her mind what name her hero should go by. So throughout the book, Nick and Rixey were very interchangeable.
2- The climax was a little bit of a let down. I didn't really feel the suspense that had been building up throughout the book. Maybe because it was so short and didn't feel like much happened or maybe it was too easy.
Anyways, all minor things for a really enjoyable book with very likable characters. So, hell yes, I'm totally getting the next one.